youthful reflection...

Friends and their boys over for a New Year's Eve dinner and general catch up. Asking the kids what the one thing that they might like to achieve for 2014 was pretty pointless - ranging from "a new law which meant you can play endless Minecraft whenever you want" or "a new Christmas decoration for the tree"- seriously??? Although my eldest did say she is hoping for excellent GCSE results which is achievable and admirable!

Anyway as for us adults...we haven't really thought too hard yet. 2013 has not been a great year for us - mainly because of what has happened to people close to us with the tragic lost of our friend's daughter at the start of the year and another close friend dealing with terminal cancer. Yet we have of course so much to be grateful for and that we are thankful.

So we will reflect in a bit, about what has been good and right and about those who this year has been unfathomably difficult and look towards to 2014 and all that the rich tapestry of life throws at us.

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