Role Model

Meet Pat Long, my sister-in-law Meg's mother. She is 94 years old, and if I live half as graciously as she does, I will be happy feel that it has been a life well lived. She still lives independently in the house where Meg and her five brothers and sisters grew up. She was recently given a Kindle, which she loves. It turns out that we are both reading, and enjoying The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt, but we can't discuss it, because I am further along and don't want to give anything away.

Tonight we are having Posole, a slow cooked pork shoulder in broth with hominy and chiles. Rick got it all going in a big pot and went off to play golf with John, asking me to fish the cubed pork out of the broth when it was tender, putt the vegetable/spice, infused broth through a sieve and return meat and broth to the pot.

Easier said than done. Pat came to the rescue, holding the sieve while I pressed the solids through it. I told her that I would report to Rick when he got home, that it only took two women and 14 pots and bowls to carry out his instructions. It takes the hand of a confident chef to use two heads of garlic and a variety of dried and fresh chiles to achieve the dish, but we managed the transfer with minimal transfer of broth to the floor or ourselves.

When Meg came home from her round of errands, we went to the market for the final touches for tonight's meal and tomorrow's Hoppin'John. Clearly we were not the only ones cooking these traditional dishes, as they were out of ham hocks, the butcher counter was crowded with people buying fresh crab and live lobster, tortillas, and bottles of bubbly. I saw a woman carrying a tiny gold top hat, and another with a couple of tall pointy hats emblazoned with 2014.

Meg's daughter Kristin arrived with kale from her garden, "screeners" for Oscar nominations (she is a personal assistant to director James Cameron) and her grandmother's good humor. The men have returned from the golf course, and
as the last day of the year is drawing in, I am thinking about the year 2013, weighing the good and the bad and finding them evenly balanced. I am fervently hoping for improved health, and grateful for new friends, new surroundings and a new way of life. I am also especially grateful for my family and my wonderful husband. I will drink a toast to my far flung Blip buddies as we ring in the new year. You have all become part of my life.

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