a town called E.

By Eej

Balance/I got this.

While it was a complete and utter bitch for some of our friends and family members, 2013 was kind to the Beloved and me. The universe balances good and evil like that somehow.
For me it was also a year of balance, in many ways. I made some changes in my life early 2013 and will continue on that path in 2014.
I've found some willpower I didn't even know I had and confidence that I had buried under layers and layers of extra me. For the first time in my entire life I exercise regularly - and am enjoying seeing what my body can do, where it will take me and how it is changing. Biceps 'n triceps, yo.
I ran my first 5k race ever and have signed up for another one in May. I know that, even while being on a short hiatus from running, I can and WILL do this.
There have been diets before, short spurts of rapid weight loss where I'd give up everything I like to eat, which would inevitably be followed by gaining it all back and then some. Not this time. I'm balancing my love of food with the new found love of exercise. I'm not all there yet. But I got this.

I am grateful for new friends, for encouragement, for more days of happiness, for Zumba and the ZuCrew, for being healthy, almost 70lbs less and for love. Always love.

*opens arms to welcome 2014*

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