Dirty Wicker

By nicola

Ah to be young and spoilt

A very amusing bus ride home tonight. Sat next to a wee girl and her mum who had the following conversation:

"Mum, now that I have a phone I can go to stranger's houses because you can call me, right?"

"No no you never go into stranger's houses, understand? You only play in the park."

"But what's the point of having a phone if I can't leave the park?"

"To keep you safe so I can always reach you."

"Oookay. Mum. I was thinking that we should have a week every month where you buy me lots of things."

"I buy you things all the time."

"Yes but I'd like a week every month just for that. You get your money next week so we could start then."

"Well I can't do that because I have to send all my money to Santa for your Christmas presents."

"But Christmas is AGES away, it's not even Halloween yet. Why don't you give the money to me instead and we'll deal with Santa later?"

Too funny!

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