One click at a time

By KeithKnight

December Challenge - Boxing Day

Day 26 of DDW/MollyMay's December daily challenge - Boxing Day

Traditionally the day for left-overs and clearing up. That was true for me - with an added less traditional activity.

Put the tablecloth in the washing machine, checked the machine later - showing an error and full of water, being a geek I "rebooted" it with no difference. Tried to drain it manually, but nothing coming out of the drain hose at all. So dragged the washing machine (full of water) to the back door, and once outside I opened the door so that I could drain it without flooding the kitchen. Once done I then was able to unblock the filter (which is buried deep inside the machine). A big lump of fluff (accumulated over the last few years since it last did this) and £1.42 richer the machine was restored to working order.

(Post Script - I always double check my pockets before washing clothes so suspected that the money was my sons - he was happy to claim it!)

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