An Apple a Day...

By anappleaday

The Ikea Couch Incident

Funny story. I have been hating this couch since about the year 2001 when I must have acquired it from T somehow. I finally couldn't take it any more and announced to Mr. Apple that we were going to Ikea and going to buy a goddamn couch, TODAY. Of course, since we live in Brooklyn, we have to rent a zip car, drive all the way out to the island, shop for the couch, strap it to the roof of the zip car, and drive it home. Huge pain in the ass. When we get home, it turns out that no matter which way we turn it, shove it, twist it, push it, pull CANNOT and WILL NOT fit into the door of our apartment. Did I mention that it had also started raining? And that all the shoving through the stone walls and iron gate had ripped off the plastic covering? And that at one point it was actually lodged completely in the doorway with me on the inside of the apartment and Mr. Apple on the outside of the apartment?

Complete disaster. We had to give up and leave the couch outside in the rain. After a few weeks of looking miserable on the stoop, we sold it to our Chinese laundry man.

I am so glad we have these photos of the Ikea Couch Incident.

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