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A visit to Williamson Park this morning to complete a blip-circle by taking my second shot of the Ashton Memorial. Whilst acknowledging that yesterday was my 365th blip, I had already decided that my first blip of 2014 would be a return to my first ever blip. So, this is the rear or east face of the memorial, where last year's was a profile shot. But no chance of blue skies this time as it has been either gloomy or wet all day. Hopefully the 2014 weather will improve from its beginnings.

I am pleased to have joined up my circle but it is really just the start of another loop. I have really enjoyed this blipping lark; even on days when I have struggled to capture a part of my day because of a lack of time or light or inspiration. So, here's to the next 365 blips of lovely places, remarkable light, trips to the seaside at every opportunity, shopping hauls, cake, flowers, frocks, gardens, butterflies, birds and anything else that proves to be blippable in 2014.

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