Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Another year ends...

Firstly, I have to thank the very kind people at Blip central for making this post happen. Long story, but Monday's "Postcard from Guildford" collage got posted to 31st December and I only noticed when I went to do my blip yesterday! Really must look more closely at the date as I go through the 1-5 steps.

My entry today really has to be read in the context of this time last year. 2013 has been a fantastic turnaround year in which I have truly experienced God's provision and His perfect timing and detail I could never imagine. It really has been unbelievable. 2012 was tough but good, but I really needed things to change. Getting a job has made a huge difference in many ways - not just financially. Reading through last years' entry - I did make some lemonade.

I wanted a lot from the year and I got it all (and more). I am still on probation at work (yeah - despite working for the company for 13 years prior), so need to make sure they still want me past March!! Other than that, I really feel the world is my oyster and anything is possible! Hope you start the new year feeling the same. All the very best and thank you SO MUCH for dropping in and looking and commenting on my pictures! This is the image that still sums up the year for me!

God bless!

PS. Forgot to say: The picture is of the holiday park looking out from the decking. There was a brief moment when the rain stopped and it was possible to see clouds and a bit of blue. Unfortunately, it was just before sunset... Amazed at how much water can fall out of clouds.

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