Fun in the floodwater in Mote Park

It was a treat to have a bit of a lie in this morning after the excitement of Christmas and New Year. Such a beautiful day to following so much rain and wind but I fear this is but a short respite before we are deluged again.

As the weather was so nice we walked into Mote Park on our way into town to complete a fe errands, to look at the River Medway and have a coffee.

The Medway was about 5 feet lower than it was on Christmas Day but was still rising as we could see the water spreading over the footpath down by the Archbishop's Palace. Took several shots down by the river and at Mote Park but liked this one because of the sheer enjoyment of the dog and the foolhardiness of the cyclist. He and his partner both had wet feet by the time they made dry land.

On our way back through Mote Park we bumped into our granddaughter Miya with her Granny, playing on the climbing frames, so we had an unexpected, very pleasant time with them both.

Chris starts his new job today - some 10 years of academia over, now entering the world of commerce. Good luck to him.

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