A Glimpse At Who I Am!

By georgexx


I love fudge and was brought this particular one as part of my stocking this year! It's lovely but pretty sickly so going to take a while to eat it! Not ideal when operation Baby starts on Monday! Its getting close now! I went and brought my prenatal vitamins today and ones for my husband...I think that is the part he doesn't like! And out food cupboards haven't been this healthily stocked since our last attempt!!!! We have two bottles of wine left from Christmas that I intend to enjoy this weekend and then I'm teetotal...always the hard part for me lol!

I started back at work today which has been good as but I hadn't missed the mess!!!! Charlotte had missed having friends to play with and had been so much happier today now she doesn't have to create her own entertainment!

I've been relegated to the bedroom again tonight. My husband and his brother and dad are sat downstairs watching the American football like they do every Thursday. I'm sat upstairs enjoying my fudge and watching the 'Death at Pemberley' series! I'm a huge Jane Austen fan so watch anything about her or her books!

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