
Ger y ffordd seiclo mae nant fechan sy'n ymuno â'r Taf. Dw i ddim yn gwybod o ble mae hi'n dod. Mae'n edrych dim mwy na cheuffos. Dw i'n siŵr bod tipyn bach o hanes yna. Weithiau mae'r golau bore dros y Taf yn disgleirio trwy fwlch sy'n arwain at yr afon.

Near the cycle path there is a small stream which joins the Taff. I do not know where it comes from. It looks no more than a drain. I'm sure there is a little bit of history there. Sometimes the morning light over the Taff shines through a gap that leads to the river.

Old Photographs: Dee at Wyndham, Life grows on, Llandaff Cathedral from the Cyclepath.

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