Stuff I've Seen & That

By trevtrev72

Laughing Abe Lincoln Cone?

I thought this was too silly for blip. Potentially it's my new found 'skill' when taking my New Year's Eve photo, it's not, though maybe the solemn task of choose one photo when I can put a cacophony on Instagram, is what I'd been confused with.

Disclaimer: I live blip and its exclusivity, so there is no reason for this is silly silly face to be the best photo I took today.

Today was ok, chilled. Trip to Ashburton which meant a pub trip as everything else of relevance was closed. Hour and 15 mind with Josie in the pub and then not long after we ended up joining pre drink a before tea. During this time I was reminded, because we ended up speaking so much how much Roger is a bit if a legend.

Apologies for the rant. Cheers for reading this far.

Ps is it predrinks if that's all you drink?

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