Northerly Wind and Bannockburn

It rained all last night interspersed with thunder and lightning.

I was NOT happy but The Bossess invited me upstairs and that was a reasonable consolation prize so I accepted and stopped barking and we all slept happily ever after…well at least until 9.00 am when THEY had to get out as THEY were going out to lunch at a Winery at Bannockburn and I was going too as there was a sort of promise of a walk after but The Boss reneged “Cos it was 3.30” (A long lunch some might say) and we went home instead and The Bosses was driving (no wine) AND The Boss went to sleep.

I have never understood this human condition of going to sleep after grub. Grub fires my furnace, raises a head of steam and I am good to Gooooooo. The Bossess says it may have something to do with whine but I never whine after grub, only when walks are going too slow or we are passing a grrreat walk in Suzz and not stopping. Quite frankly whining wakes me up. The Boss did a lot of walking yesterday so maybe he was just tired. Right!

When we left town this morning it was raining but by the time we got to Bannockburn the sun was trying and the prevailing Northerly wind was doing wonderful things to the sky.
There are a number of wineries at Bannockburn and the one they (I stayed in the car…This is N.Z. remember?) dined at, seemed to please then greatly. The company was good too as the nice folk came out to say hullo and I detected previous Dog Approval smells.


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