Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium


Today was a tough day at work, probably the toughest I've ever had. For the past couple of days I've felt a virus coming on, and of course it decided to peak right on the wedding day, despite me having plenty of days off either side! I woke up this morning feeling like death, with a high temperature and aching all over, and it was a struggle to even get myself washed and dressed. On the way to the bride's house I had to stop at the side of the road for a 15 minute sleep, so I was not feeling optimistic for the day ahead. I really thought I'd have to let my second shooter take over.

But thankfully a whole pack of paracetamol and wedding day adrenaline saw me through, and having Jamie there to carry my bags and give moral support was a great help. Despite looking like a ghost, having to take lots of breaks to sit down and spending a fair bit of time supporting myself against walls, I don't think the bride ever noticed that anything was wrong. She probably just thinks I'm a bit lazy! The wedding itself was quite stressful, with lots of big group shots and a large chunk of the day taken up with waiting for a helicopter to arrive. According to my exif data I started the bride and groom portraits at 4.12pm and finished at 4.17pm, exactly matching my Shortest Ever Portrait Session record from June 2012.

During the speeches, I noticed that this guest had fallen asleep. If I'm honest, I was a little bit jealous! :)

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