
By KatPrice

Happy New Year!

Pretty random photo, but it caught my eye when I was packing to go back to Uni. Can't believe it's 2014! Spent the morning lounging around Hannah's and managed to get back and avoid the worst of the floods, it's pretty crazy down here right now. Saw at least one car that had stalled in the middle of a 'puddle'. And then spent the rest of the day packing to go back to Uni and at the cinema watching The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

Firstly, amazing film. Great concept, very well executed, great soundtrack and great cinematography. Really took my breath away. It was a perfect way to start 2014, reminding me of what's important. With graduating and job/MA applications hanging over me, as well as trying to fit back into Warwick and make new friends, it was a pretty difficult first term. This film reminded me how important it is to just enjoy life and don't let silly concerns and fears hold you back, but also to not get into a rut. That's something I need to keep in mind from now on.

And now to this weird photo. These are the grotty (and broken) wheels of my suitcase. I bought it in 2012 for Berlin during the Summer and it's definitely seen better days. It got me thinking; this suitcase has seen a hell of a lot with me. It's travelled to three continents and about eight countries with me in the last year alone. It was a pretty brilliant year, although this poor little suitcase has been through a lot. It reminds me of how amazing and fun and beautiful life can really be, and how much I loved all the places it went with me. That's what's important: the places I went, the amazing things I saw, the wonderful people that came with me (or took me there). I don't really have any New Year's Resolutions, apart from to take a photo every day (yes, Tom and I are doing the 365-Blip challenge!) and to just remember what's important and to enjoy life. That's what it's there for!

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