More Life of Sands

By sands

Knackered but this time in Kleinbaai!

I am finally at the White Shark Projects volunteer house in Kleinbaai! I was picked up from the hostel at 7.30am and arrived here at about 10am and it was so great to see everyone again!

I met the current batch of volunteers are they are a fantastic bunch!

I probably should explain a little more about the volunteer project here. White Shark Projects (WSP) is a white shark cage diving business. They run a volunteer programme where volunteers work on the boat and learn about the Great White Shark. We have to do everything - get the boat ready in the morning, help with anchoring the boat and preparing the cage, help the clients with their wetsuits, rub their backs and give them plenty of TLC when they are seasick, clear and clean the boat at the end of the trip.

We work very hard and have to start at 6am if we have a morning trip (which is most days) but in return, we get to see one of the most magnificent creatures on the planet - the Great White Shark! We also collect data on the sharks we see. This is for Adrian who works on the boat and is also a marine biologist, studying the sharks. We note down such information as the size and sex of the shark, any distinctive markings and note it's behaviour everytime it comes to the boat. We use the shape and markings on the dorsal fin (the one on the top of the shark's body) to distinguish individual sharks and it's surprising how you can tell them apart!

Hopefully, I will be posting a picture of a shark on here tomorrow so watch this space...........

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