Red and Yellow on the Spectrum of light

Orange is a colour located between red and yellow on the spectrum of light, and in the traditional colour wheel used by painters. Its name is derived from the orange fruit.

In Europe and America, orange is commonly associated with amusement, the unconventional, extroverts, fire, activity, danger, taste and aroma, the autumn season, and Protestantism. In Asia, it is an important symbolic colour of Buddhism and Hinduism. This is according to Wikipedia.

More info in the spectrum of light.

Today it has been overcast with the odd show of the sun, but hasn't been cold ..around 23c. I was going to go for a walk around the block but got busy getting my Christmas tree down. With only one good hand it was big task.. but made it and it is all packed up until next Christmas.

So you will have to make do with a flower from my garden again. All my gladiolus were blown over by yesterdays wind so are looking a bit sorry for themselves just now! I liked this one as it was a lovely bright colour. I have white ones and purples out as well.

Some interesting facts on the Gladiolus flower.

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