The Lighted Life

By Giacomo

Lego Love

I had a wonderful and largely work-free day, my only complaint being the artic blast that has been present for our entire Holiday break.

When I go back to work on Monday morning, the thermometer is expected to read -28F with a real feel of -48F. Our state has already and appropriately ordered all schools closed for Monday. Of course, the girls did a jig for they extended their 14-day break by a day.

I spent the morning catching up with a dear friend from Brazil who was visiting his family here, then there was a mid-day hike with Bon and the pups around Crosby Lake and the afternoon involved Gabriella teaching me the finer points of building structures with Legos. I had a bit of fun with the camera and the glass table as well.

I must say, the Lego plans these days look like NASA designed them compared to the rudimentary designs of my youth. I was humbled by her patience and perseverance.

These past two weeks of intensive family time have been a gift beyond all measures. I am not looking forward to the grind beginning for me within the next few days. Yet, I could not have had a better time than I had the last ten days.

Finally, I am honored to wear the crown and am wowed by the notes of congratulations I received. You are all far too kind. I wish it had been an image of a movie set rather than a real life tragedy. It really was a most terrible occurrence. They found two deceased men amongst the wreckage. It is all so sad.

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