Nanou in Anjou

By nanou

Coming back to life

She spent the whole day yesterday lying down in front of the stove, shaking all over though she was burning hot on her back, unable to move her haunch. Husb had to think up an ergonomic system to carry her out so that she could do her business. We fed her little pieces of leftovers from our New Year's eve dinner, thinking that this might be her last one (she's almost 15) but she would pick at them and refuse to drink.
Finally we took her to the vet, not wanting to imagine that we might come back home without her....


Some X-rays and a few injections later (and a flatter purse) she was back on her feet, trotting happily, waving her tail and she plunged into her dish with voracity when we reached home.

Happy New Year to you Patience! And thank you Dr Fraiman!

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