Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

The flower and the bulldozer

Coral and I made an executive decision to take the day off. Today was I think, our first whole free day to do as we liked. I woke up late and cooked a big breakfast. Wrote a letter and took in the morning. I walked downtown and got lost wandering around the streets of Cuenca. Indulged in an ice cream cone of maracuya gelato and found out the Ecuadorian version of falafel is quite different than the one I?m accustomed too. Caught up on emails and daydreamed of people I miss and adventures to come before walking home to help Alex cook dinner. We work on a dinner rotation here and I am souse chef for the night. Spaghetti and red sauce, baguette bread rinds, and a fruit salad in yogurt and honey.

I snapped this shot from a mural off a street I usually pass on the way to downtown. A whole whitewashed wall adorned in beautiful and evocative images and phrases on nature! This is just one small piece in a long wall of images to smile and ponder over. There will surely be more blips to come. I settled on this one today, a classic archetypical struggle and symbolism that needs no interpretation I hope. Hurray for environmentally and socially inspired street art!

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