Möbius Miss

By WifeOfRiley

Oops, I lost a moon!

A strained back meant I didn't fancy dragging out the telescope tonight so thought I'd have a go at trying to capture the Orion nebula with my dSLR and long lens. I got some colourful smeared lights and smudges but nothing 'stellar'.
I turned to Jupiter (the brightest thing out at the moment, high in the eastern sky). After much freezing one's proverbial backside off in the back garden I decided this shot of the planet and its most prominent moons would be a suitable candidate for today's blip. On closer inspection I see only three moons. Well, that's ok isn't it? I mean, surely one is off around the back somewhere! Urm, google tells me otherwise... it sadly got 'lost in translation' (aka blended in with the background while I was tidying up the image). Oops.

But if you think losing one moon is bad enough there are approximately another 62 which failed to make the cut.

If you take some pretty standard binoculars, stand with your back against a wall and look to Jupiter you'll see the moons and maybe even some coloured banding. That said, even with the naked eye Jupiter's distinctive brightness makes it one of the great winter sky treats.

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