Startrail. Maulds Meaburn

A frustrating day, to say the least. I had been informed that my new body would be delivered today. Ended up staying in the whole day, and it never came. Was about to send a shitty grumpy email, and checked my order form. I had changed the invoice address, but not the delivery address, so the courier had tried to deliver it to our Keswick address.

Drove to Keswick this evening to find a docket saying they'd tried to deliver at 8.20 this morning! Bollocks bother!

So returned to Maulds and took this startrail between 10.45 and 11.30

Not too shabby for an emergency blip. A series of separate exposures joined together using the freeware:

I've dropped an alternative on my Flickr page too, which I actually prefer as a photo - but a few people have been asking me about startrails, so I thought it sensible to do one.

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