a door of happiness

By brianckl

A second chance

Yesterday afternoon I vacillated for a few minutes before deciding not to bring my camera out, since I was going to work. I realised just five minutes later that that was the wrong decision, as the park downstairs was unusually crowded with potential subjects, most of them taking photos of the beautiful red-leafed trees. I had no time to go back up to get my camera, so I settled for a backup photo on my phone.

Imagine my joy when I discovered this afternoon that the park was once again crowded! This time I had wisely brought along my camera. Actually, the crowds were still there on my way home, so I had two second chances today (or rather, a second and a third chance).

Anyway, these two girls have the most magnificently coloured ukes. Sadly I didn't have time to talk to them and try out their ukes (on my way to work again), and they didn't seem to be playing just then.


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