
By Westward5

"The biggest threat to children out here is sugar"

Kids have a dentist appointment in a few weeks and today I threw this lot out. Leftovers from their compound Halloween haul. More sugar than any household could ever need. I still kept back a box almost the same size - still more than we need.

An 'early' friend out here shared the following advice... "They say the biggest threat to your children out here is sugar."

It's in everything. I'm not exaggerating... I do a happy dance when I find bread with no sugar in. There doesn't seem to be a local demand for no/low fat or no/low sugar products - there certainly isn't a supply of it! Sweets and cakes are consumed in school almost daily for someone's birthday or just "because it's a nice thing to do on a Thursday". Jamie Oliver would have a field day.

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