twinned with trumpton


Waitin' For The Bus

The last day of peace and tranquillity before the return to work. Actually, that's not really the case for me; I am working from home for 3 of the next four days, so I have ample opportunity to get some work done in my own space and not have to deal with colleagues and the general public that much this week!

So I slept to a time that is going to be unacceptable soon; although, eight thirty is hardly a disaster, it's not helpful. But the thing about this morning is that having lots of time to do stuff is that you need to actually do it; not perpetually make plans. There needs to be something to show for all the plans.

I spent some time this morning doing nothing more exciting than screwing a piece of wood onto my kitchen wall so I may attach the various lists I have to.
The food I want to cook and eat this week, the shopping list, the film I need to book. If I don't write it down, there's no guarantee it will get done in time. So, silly little job that will help me, make my life better.

And then I got out the white gloss and continued on with the seemingly endless and tedious and painstaking task of painting all the woodwork in the bedroom. Having put a light grey base layer on, and lived with for a month, realised I needed / wanted a darker grey wall behind the bed and now I need to paint all the previously magnolia skirting and door frames and cupboard doors in white to stand out, pristine, against the dark and the drab. The counterpoint of the walls.

I completed today's section and went out to the supermarket; bread, milk, not much else although I scored a bargain piece of haddock; in the freezer to be used towards the end of January when I have no money to buy food...! It was good to be out; cool, refreshing, brighter than I thought it might be; took a slightly different route up through some waste ground and got very slightly different views of the sea and spotted a couple of bits I ought to explore more fully for photo opportunities, sloes, blackberries, whatever.

And then home. After yesterday's cancelled visit from my um friend, she said she would come for a late lunch so I prepared a puy lentil, bacon, cherry and gorgonzola salad to which I would quickly pan fry a chicken breast and add to it on arrival.
Then I set to making a chocolate pudding; butter, eggs, sugar and melted dark chocolate all mixed and whisked and then popped into a mug, half filled and into the microwave for a minute. Worked really well. Gooey and rich and bitter; I was making them to go with left over butterscotch sauce from my brother's visit the other night.

And then I waited. I can see the bus come down the hill to my place and I sat with Stoner which I love; the outward façade of normality, drudgery masking the emotional turmoil and anguish is something I can relate to.

And somehow I just knew the right moment to look up and snap the bus as it came past; put the book down, get the wine out of the fridge and open the door.

Lovely lunch, soooo tasty, pudding worked really well for a thrown together no recipe done in the micro effort; imagine what I could do if I really put my mind to it! So a most enjoyable hour and half; passed all too quickly and suddenly I have the washing up to do, the painting to resume, and some ZZ Top to listen to as I slowly but relentless work my way round the woodwork....

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