
By sheena888

He's back!

you know it's all over, back to normal and January is with us when dancing on ice is back on the Telly.
I have watched this show and enjoyed most of the series, I think as a natural ice skater myself I think I yearn for glitter and glamour of it all. Mmm ok so not strictly the truth, as an ice skater who can't let go of the side barriers I am in awe of all of these celebs who learn to skate, dance and perform each week. They must work incredibly hard to produce so many routines and moves. Of course the judges have their say and give advice to help them, but this judge well he likes to stir things up, and of course in my mind it's just attention seeking behaviour!
Who will be the champion of champions at the end of the series? Joe Pasquale ? Todd Carty? It would be good if one of them did win just for entertainment value. I didn't see the results show so don't know who went home, eldest son had Sherlock in so watched that to a big crazy bit enjoyed it!

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