Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit


Cyclamen flower essence helps you to absorb higher energies, especially the new rays currently being directed to earth for consciousness raising.

I was up late last night watching this where Flower of Life teacher Drunvalo Melchizedek talks about the Mayan prophecies for 2012. He talks about the importance of integrating ourselves with ancient knowledge and practices. Connection to our ancient knowledge, nature and ourselves will keep us centred and connected in these chaotic times.

The flower looks upside down - and that's how lots of people are feeling at the moment, like everything has been turned upside down in their lives.

There is a lot of information on the web at the moment about new rays coming to the earth, shaking everything up for people. You may have noticed yourself that there has been more drama, death, change and challenge this year than ever before. Emotions being brought to the surface and everyone I know talks of a sense of anticipation that we are on the edge of a big shift, a big change in how we live our lives. I saw Jupiter in the sky while tramping through the woods the other night and Jupiter symbolizes expansion. This truly is the time to expand your vision of what you want in your life and hold that vision in your heart so it can manifest. If you didn't worry that it wouldn't earn you money and nobody told you it was wrong what would your heart tell you to do? Do it. It's time.

I see a new direction evolving in my work where I take people into nature to connect more deeply with themselves and their own true nature. In my consultations I intend to do more focused work helping people connect with their life purpose with a mixture of guided meditation, essences and healing. Aren't we lucky to be alive?

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