Snowdrop Hunt

One of the first days without visitors and entertaining since before Christmas Eve!

We decided on a Snowdrop Hunt in the gardens of St John's Cllege. We have found snowdrops there in profusion every year, as I described early last February. Here are some of the flowers we found in 2013.

However, today's photograph shows that we are just a little early. The 2013 Blipfoto entry is for 3 February, almost a month later than where we are now. But the buds are clearly forming today, and it won't be long until there are fine displays of flowers.

The Hamamelis (witch hazel) that I mentioned and showed last year is already in full bloom, and smells wonderful again. We wait with keen anticipation each year to smell this scent again (as we do, later on, the wallflowers' perfume). Each year one reflects "I wonder if ever again..."

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