
Apparently so. I couldn't really taste it. But by God was I hungry today. When James suggested Roast beef for tea (because, bless him I don't think he realises that it takes a lot of work to make a roast dinner) I said yes. Thankfully the nausea has almost completely gone and today I was actually feeling very hungry, after eating very little for the last 7 days.

Roasties...home made, Yorkshire puds...home made (Jamie Oliver's recipe, muffin tins and very hot oil - works a treat every time). And yes Mum, those are carrots and I ate a pile of them - I was actually craving them. And right now I am craving apples - will have to go back to Asda at this rate.

After James polished off a plateful of roasties and beef, he then decided 10 minutes later that pudding was in order - hence a large bowl of Milky Bar ice cream, with cream, marshmallows, chocolate sauce and sprinkles - evil ice cream as we like to call it :-)

Thank you to everyone for your comments and the collective sigh of relief from the blip community for my news that all is well. Am waiting for the dizziness to pass, as that has continued to prevail today, as has the awful metallic taste in my mouth (both from the Metronidazole) and I have a sore throat but its not as bad as it was this morning. The multivitamins are out in force, I'm taking my detox stuff to flush all the nasty stuff out, and am feeling a lot more like me - a few days and I'll be on fighting form, ready for a good rant about something...I'm sure work will provide me with ample materials for that.

I had another good piece of news yesterday - a local 'forum' for our area, bringing businesses and local community together - have published 3 of my images on the front page of their website ...Birchwood forum...can you guess which ones are mine?! Also, they have offered to put my details on their business pages - so maybe this is where I do something bold and put myself out there and see if I can do something a bit more businesslike with my photos?

And finally, a key performance indicator for the school's summer results finally came in on Friday (yeah - results were in late August - it takes that long for the publicly paid statisticians to calculate everything. I am the only person with access to the data, so I phoned the boss on Friday to share with him the very good news, that for the first time in the school's history, we were above the benchmark figure, which means that our results this year really were the best ever.

So am I feeling more positive - yep, I am.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a nice day and we can go out somewhere and get some sunlight and fresh air.

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