Black moonday

Or black Monday as it is known, the day when everyone goes back to work after all the festive fun and madness.
Except me atm, signed off for another couple of weeks yet :-(
I have an occupational health assessment to get through before I can go back, that's on the 17th
Fear is starting to creep in again now :-(
It was a decent morning, weather wise, not gloriously sunny, just decent
Watched my feathered friends as I waited for a call from the gp practice.
Think I've spotted a Great Tit
Not that I'm a twitcher, more a bad bird watcher.
How to be a bad bird watcher by Simon Barnes is current book of choice on my kindle, must say I'm enjoying it immensely.
The afternoon brought blustery showers.
Enrolled once again with the OU (third time lucky, or maybe I'm getting too old for that kind of thing)
A rain had a wee rest and a break in the clouds early evening brought a lovely clear view of Taurus and the Pleiades, Jupiter, Orion poking his head above some clouds and the moon.
Couldn't resist getting the cat out and trying another pic of the moon
Hope that you've all had a good day

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