From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Save me, Roz! A big robin is after me!

Despite the fact it was the first day back to work for many people and not just me, I felt quite cheerful when I walked out of dreary 'Abandon hope all ye who enter here' McDonalds up to the council house. There wasn't even any bad music playing but I still had music in my head anyway from listening to the radio when I was in the shower.

It was very windy! When the back door was opened for me, I couldn't see where I was going with my hair blown over my face - improving my appearance - and virtually fell into the office. I was only on my own for five minutes before another couple of keen people arrived. Ha! That won't last!

I have nothing wild to tell you about today. I had a bacon roll for a change this morning which I suppose was a bit wild for me but there were no eggs so it was either that or starve. It was a pleasant and really busy morning with more new starters and orders to catch up on. Nobody wished me 'Happy New Year' except Gurjit who sometimes sits opposite me. Mercifully, he said it very generally so I could pretend I hadn't heard and avoided the need to commit murder.

At lunchtime, I went to Robert Dyas for a big bag of mealworms, M&S for a sandwich and then I sat in Mell Square on a bench to take pictures. I didn't stay there long as it was cold and I was sat on a damp patch.

I was more interested in the pigeons running around and didn't see what I had properly until I got home. I was struck by the worried look on the pigeon's face as he looked at me - I think he knew me - and the delight on the face of the child.

It just reminded me of a couple of things:-

1. If you are only a few inches tall, even a child can be a scary giant.
2. Just because all the festivities are over, the magical simple joys of life are always there.
3. I need to cheer up.

Track? Sorry, this has been going through my head for most of today since hearing it on the radio first thing. It was dedicated to cricket fans and has nothing to do with today's picture - Ashes To Ashes

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