
By Peteyo

The Little Things in Life

We all have things from our childhood that just hit home a little harder than other things. Fortunately for me, I was given many little things that created positive memories in my childhood by all 4 of my parents, and both of my siblings.

This Christmas I received a gift from my father, a re-gift if you will. "Little Monsters" and "Dinner Time" written and illustrated by Jan Pienkowski are two very simplistic books. "Little Monsters" is 10 page popout book about 5 different monsters. "Dinner Time" is about a frog eating flies who gets eaten by a vulture, gorilla eats the vulture, tiger eats the gorilla, crocodile eats the tiger, and the story ends with a shark eating the crocodile.

These stories may seem short and pointless to some, but its not necessarily about the story. It's whats hiding behind the story. It's what they mean to me. It's about the memories and nostalgia they give me.

Moral of the post: Appreciate the little things in life. Give your loved ones memories. We tend to get so wrapped up in materialistic goods, we're losing site on what really matters. Spending time with the people we love/who love us, making memories, creating things that money can't buy. These books may be things that are purchased, but I had completely forgotten about them being gifted to me in 1993. Seeing them after so many years of forgetting I had them, created this euphoric feeling that's indescribable by words.

Thank you Daddy-O for this thoughtful gift.

I'm very thankful I have parents that can still put extra thought behind their gifts, I hope I can pass on this lesson to my children in the future.

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