
By Houseonahill6

Puff the magic dragon

Think this may be the dragon that set fire to Barons sky yesterday.
This cloud shaped dragon shot across a stormy sky this morning. It had been a very wet and windy night and black angry clouds hung over the Moray Firth.
It did brighten up later in the day and I managed to do some more gardening in the sun shine. you would think that there would nt be much to do in the garden at this time of year but seeing as everything finished late it's taken a while for the plants to die back. Bulbs are starting to appear through the earth that much be quite warm considering we have only had a couple of frosts. I still have stocks in bloom and a few daisies.

Sorry I've been behind in answering your comments I do appreciate you all dropping by and hope to keep up abit more now that Christmas is behind us

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