Being WildCardinal...

By WildCardinal


What a month (or more) it's been! It's now exactly one month to the day I came out of hospital.

After a week of migraine like headaches, nausea and vomiting I ended up in hospital after collapsing on the Sunday morning. At first it was thought to be meningitis or a brain bleed. Many tests and scans later on a Sunday night they discovered that my pituitary gland had a growth (like a cancer) on it and collapsed.

I was transferred to the regional neurological unit at Southampton Hospital and the next day they took out my pituitary gland through my nose. Everything went amazingly well and I had no post-op complications such as bleeding or cerebrospinal fluid leaks.

So, one month ago I was taken up to Yorkshire by my mother and stepfather to recuperate. I've not lived back with my parents for so long since university! 4 weeks of being looked after very well and much recovered I headed back south at the weekend for the second part of the convalescence at home.

While up in Yorkshire I took a few photos which I may back-blip. I also took a number of photos for a website I created for my step-father (all the images are mine): The Heritage Boys.

Apart from still getting tired quickly all is well. I rattle with pills in the morning! The treatment I got could not have been better. The next month before going back to work is all about getting strength and stamina back.

I feel lucky to still be here. Just a century or less ago this would not have been survivable. Life will carry on, albeit with a few changes.

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