Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Conrad reflections

I met an ex-member of the Music Group this afternoon for a song recital in a small performance room attached to the National Concert Hall. The venue was nothing special (grandiose plans to build a new concert hall which would include a dedicated smaller hall for chamber music and recitals blew up when the Celtic Tiger ceased to roar), but the music was wonderful.

Conor Biggs is an Irish singer, a bass, who has taken on a huge project: viz. to perform all Schubert's songs over a period of ten years, in 35 recitals in each of three venues. Today's was the fifth in the series in Dublin, and the first that I've been to. It was a wonderful experience which made me regret not having been to earlier offerings and made me determined not to miss any more if at all possible.

The blip was taken afterwards, at about 3:45 pm as the light was fading. This is the complex which houses the Conrad Hotel and some office accommodation. It was enjoying its final day with its twinkling Christmas lights and its red uplighters.

Back home, I treated myself to a bit of a rest. A quiet evening in front of the telly, for the most part.


My uploading has fallen badly behind over Christmas and new year, so there's a good bit of back-blipping for the dedicated to take a look at.

25th December : Rupert
26th December : Posh chocs
27th December : Remnant
30th December : Bottle, wrapped
31st December : New Year's Eve in Greystones
1st January : Checking the hounds
2nd January : Car park shadows
3rd January : Seats are not for feet
4th January : Cabinteely

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