
Sometimes it is the little things we notice that in a strange way are beautiful in their own way. I don't know why this caught my eye and the low prospective makes it look a lot larger than it was in real life.

There was a softness in the wool, accentuated perhaps by the raindrops on the fibres, contrasted with the harshness of the fence,the wires old and rusting but still doing a job, I passed over this shot but returned to it there was just something that appealed to me about it. I never tire of being out watching the world turn and sometimes when you do not see anything at all there is always something to see.

The title today not only sums up the shot but also my head, i have had a thundering sore hear all day and still as the evening draws in it remains, but Im sure it will be ok. The company of my friend this evening has brightened my day as it always does... I hope you enjoy todays shot, monochrome again but a little off my usual track!!!

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