Poorly Meg!

Meg developed a lump on her back before Christmas. So we had a biopsy carried out along with other tests and all they could say was, 'it happens, but there is no serious problem'.

They gave us the choice of her having an operation or keep bathing it. As she is getting on a bit, we choose to bathe it in salt water twice a day and slowly it went. But then another came up.

Yesterday evening she was off her food and by this morning continually licking the rather huge lump.

So I took her to the vets again and they shaved all the hair off round the lump and removed a very large piece of skin an tissue. It really did not smell that nice!

She is now on antibiotics, cream and a syringe in her food. As well as having to wear the hood. I took photos of the wound, but to be honest it is so horrible it might make you feel ill.

After putting the hood on, she started to look so sorry for herself and in this photo is trying to get Claire's attention.

If the lump goes down we will re visit what we have to do in the future as more lumps may come up. If the lump doesn't go down in a week, we will have to arrange for an operation.

Poor Meg!

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