
First, apologies for not commenting on any journals today -- I've been focused on my writing and editing volunteer work for the Whatcom Symphony Orchestra all day, other than when Phil and I were doing errands this afternoon.

The serendipitous event occurred when I was waiting in the car while Phil was picking up something at a local store. I took my small camera out to zoom in at the "Coca-Cola Mini" sign on the grocery cart near our car, and just then the woman above and her two daughters walked by in the background, so on automatic pilot I took the picture.

When I looked at the image on my computer later, I liked the cup holders in "up" and "down" positions on the grocery carts, as well as the colorful people, but couldn't help rolling my eyes and heaving a sigh at the waste of resources resulting from the worldwide marketing of Coca-Cola, which has no nutritional merit, whether mini or maxi in size.

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