
By Madyline

Magic, magic, everywhere.

The Adorable Child is ten. He'll be eleven in June. He doesn't see the world the same way other children do, through circumstance as opposed to illness or autism or something like that.

He thinks too much. He analyses everything. He always needs to know the why and the how and the what-will-happen-if. He loves unconditionally, but it takes a huge step in faith for him to say it. He hasn't bought the idea that it is better to have loved and lost, because he lost.

And then, then he discovered Dynamo.

For those who don't know, he is an amazing street magician and illusionist and doer-of-close-up-magic. Through Dynamo, the Adorable Child has found an interest in something, and it's something he can do. Objectively. I believe it's about having control over his environment, and him making things happen, and how he can make the world the way he wants it. Subjectively, I delight in the way his smile reaches his eyes when he does his tricks and they astound.

This is not just an upside down glass of water on a plate, that he drank it one handed, without spilling any.

This is hope for the future, not as a street magician, but as a whole person.

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