point and press

By crispinhj



This was one of my Christmas presents. I was delighted to get it as before Christmas I'd been looking at a similar grater and debating whether to buy it,

This is brilliant quality, really heavy duty stainless and very sharp. As a bloke I do like a gadget and even more I like a gadget that you use a lot and this will be getting a lot of use.

Today was something of a shock to the system, I had to get up at four to get to Harlesden for a site meeting. Harlesden seems to be one of those places with very little going for it, there are streets and streets lined with factories and offices and very little else. A canal runs through it with a rather brilliant looking tiled pub on it and that's about all I've spotted

We've been doing bits of work for a company based there on and off for getting on for fifteen years now. We work for a guy who must be some sort of business genius, we're told that for the first nine years the turnover doubled every year. I've used the site as the location for this blip, you'll probably see some more of this site as we carry out the work. Not romantic but necessary, we're refurbishing the toilets that the office staff and visitors use.

After our meeting there, Gareth and I went off to look at another project in Regents Park, where one of the cafes is going to get a major overhaul. The design looks very exciting, and will be a massive improvement on how it looks now which is a cross between a run-down sports pavilion and a garden shed that has seen better days. The issue is whether there's enough money to realise it. We've been brought in early on to see if we can see ways of achieving the look wanted within the quite limited budget.

We had quite a bit of time before everybody go there and it was very pleasant to sit and wait and chat with no pressure on us. There are times when I think that our job is pretty good, we work with really nice clients, we don't have the dreary daily grind of routine, because our jobs rarely last more than a couple of months. And most jobs offer at least one completely new challenge, requiring us to learn different skills and acquire new knowledge. I'd rather not get up at that sort of time in the morning, but the afternoon made it

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