Happy Moments

By SueR


This is Toby. The latest addition to the family menagerie.
He's been living rough for a few months and sleeping under a friend's car. She asked us at New Year if we'd take him in and, given what the weather's been like lately we didn't have the heart to say no.

He's settling in well and getting along nicely with the other cats. But while I was at work yesterday he got past James and out of the house and disappeared. By the time I got home James had spent ages looking for him.
I took a torch and looked round the garden and fields with no luck. We were worried that he'd got lost as we normally keep new cats in the house for at least two weeks before letting them go out.
But when I got up to let the hens out this morning he came running up and miaowing and followed me back indoors.
This made me relieved and very happy.

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