The Moment the Sun Came Up

9.4C sunny and bright with only a light breeze.

Best weather day of the year so far. Not many clouds and lots of bright light. When Maeve the Deerhound and I went out at 7am it was still dark but when Apothecary7 set off for work I noticed the sun was about to appear. Maeve and I walked up to the country road and I got a few pictures of the sun appearing over the horizon out to sea.

Maeve and I went for our walk after lunch. We had a wander along the beach towards Easthaven. After all the high tides we are finding two or three pieces of coloured ceramic each time we look. We both really enjoyed our walk today. Tide out, lots of firm sand to walk on, and plenty of bright sunshine. With the light breeze it didn't feel cold at all.

I made two quite large monoprints this afternoon. A4 sized images in landscape format on white A3 paper. There were two more but they were filed in the recycle box. Experiments with multiple colours when inking my acrylic plate didn't quite go the way I hoped they would and the mark making is difficult when working on such a scale. Still, at least I was making prints again. Thats a good thing :-)

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