Life is a bit of a blur..

By SarahL2012

Getting better....

We had a very sick cat just before new year. A visit to the vet diagnosed cat flu (& yes - she is vaccinated, turns out that is no guarantee). Missy was off her food, slumped under the bed and really unhappy.

Vet visit number 1 spotted ulcers in her mouth so she had an antibiotic injection and I was told to feed her soft food. Unfortunately by new year's eve she was still not eating and really listless so we were back again. This time she got an appetite stimulant which at least got her eating that night. NY day was stressful though because I had to drag her out from under the bed and syringe water into her mouth. With all the ulcers she was not eating or drinking - really horrible to watch.

She's gradually improved over the past week and today seemed to be back to her normal self - helping me clear spiders out of the shed and running up the tree to play. She's collapsed in an exhausted heap now, but at least I know she's on the mend.

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