If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

A cold day at Derwentwater.

For once the weather was kind (well sort of) it was dry and fairly sunny. Clickychick was having to find a stranger so we decided Derwentwater and more particularly the boat landing at Keswick would probably have its fair share.

The idea was that I would wander around taking shots fora blip while she pounced on some unsuspecting stranger. It all seemed so easy in theory. The first problem was the weather,what had seemed like a nice day actually had a strong very cold wind accompanying it. The second was the people in Keswick had more sense than we had and the normally busy foreshore was almost deserted. The next problem was that the first people she eyed up as possible turned out to be folk we had known for over 30 years.

By this time I had taken what I considered was enough shots to give me a decent chance of a blip. So I wanders across to see how CC was getting on. The short answer was, she wasn't and like me was frozen. The best idea seemed to be to resort to the cafe at the Theatre on the Lake for a warm and a reconsider of strategy.

Well to cut a long story short there was a nice young lady in the cafe who agreed to pose. So we ended up warm and having found a stranger. Result!

The result can be seen here.

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