The sweetie aisle!

Off to the gym this morning alone, but under the instructions of my now departed personal trainer. Today was chest and tris day! It was actually pretty good. Got in, done my thing and out in about an hour.

On Jills way home she realised she had locked the keys in the car, so she had get the local police chaps to come and break into it for her. Supposedly they came with a breaking into a car kit : )

Later on we went and done a weekly shop. We've managed to get the price down a bit by knowing what we will and won't eat. And by not being seduced by the endless aisles of sweet goodies.

One thing I am on the look out for is diluting juice. The only option I have seen is a bottle of Robinsons for $7.50 and the only alternative is some pre made intergalactic neon squash. I do wonder why Americans don't drink it?

And I wouldn't mind a packet of digestives or hob nobs either.

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