On the wings of time!

By sabrina

Wait for you

I got obsessed with this novel since the day i heard a 5 min recital of it. I wanted anxiously for it to be out. Well as time flew by, in between my moving to Canada and all the ups n downs i totally forgot about it. Until today while going through Google Play Books i saw this little fellow on the Top Sellers list. Viola... here it is on my Galaxy waiting to start off...

The other thing that has been popping in my mind is to do some back blips. I was going through my hard drive today, organizing stuff into folders, when i realized that since I had started blipping i did take alot of pictures, some of them merely with the intention of blipping it, but i never got to upload them. And as now i have plenty of time in hand, and Blip world has become more special, i might as well do it. This journal is surely very special to me.

So better late than never :)

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