Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

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Another day in Cuenca.

An afternoon of reading and classes taught. In the evening Catherine came over for dinner and for a lesson. Environmental anthropology, horchata tea, pan de yucca, and conversations around our dinner table. Laughing and telling stories with dinner waiting for Stu to arrive with the rugrats, and a cake! Soon the house is a chaos of rambunctious children, bustling students, and we instructors gazing out with a grin on the commotion.

Were getting ready for returning to the field soon, this time the lower camp of La Libertad. Projects await and I expect well be very busy. Setting up camera traps, laying transects, creating GIS maps and then these classes we teach. Mid October Alejandro is arriving from Quito, an amphibian expert who happens to only be 17. A year ago he discovered a species of poison dart frog here previously thought to be extinct and not seen since 1995. We´re excited to find them anew and for a few nights of amphibian adventures with the peepers. Come the end of October a field trip awaits, perhaps south to Loja and Podocarpus National Park and of course there is Cuenca´s celebration day and Halloween and the Camelid conference and hiking Chimborazo in
November?So much going on!

Time is beginning to speed up.

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