Full heart

I had another blip planned but I couldn't see past yet another Poppy blip instead. My heart feels so full because of her. Everyday, and it just grows and grows.

I got a fright today though.

I had given Poppy her lunch and then I set about putting corn out for the chooks, opening the patio door, then realising I had no shoes on. I walked a few steps to pop my shoes on, by which time Betty (ninja chicken) had come in to the house, impatient for her treat.

Poppy is great with all the other animals, but she is protective of her food, even when there's no real threat.

She growled a warning to Betty but because she had been eating, she started to choke. I waited a heartbeat for her to clear it but she continued to wheeze. In utter panic at the thought of my dog choking in front of me, I did a doggy version of the Heimlich manoeuvre, frantically rubbed her throat and thankfully it cleared and she was breathing properly again. It must've just been seconds but it felt like an age.

I don't know what I would've done if it hadn't worked. Another lesson learned, and a few more grey hairs for me! Silly mummy. Totally my fault (again).

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