Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Alternative titles.

The learning curve.
"P"ed off.
Carlin harvest.

Remember the Carlins
and the Squirrel.

Today I purposely tried every available "White balance" except "Manual".

"Auto", "Outdoors", Cloudy", "Incandescent" and (Finally Cyril) "Fluorescent".
"Auto" and "Incandescent" were, virtually, indistinguishable.
As were "Outdoor" and "Cloudy"

Which, basically, left me with 3 Bliplets sufficiently different. Considering they were taken in what passes for daylight, the nearest accuracy was Fluorescent.

The score to date... almost 1 lb (#) and they are still flowering as I harvest.

Not bad for a modest handful.

Where you might ask does the skwurrel fit in? WELL, it was my first, accidental, introduction to the hazards, pitfalls and perils of the dreaded "White balance", being a RED Squirrel on a WHITE field.

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