Westbury Cement Works

Started the day by driving to Frome. A customer who is a private family had to take over the control of a weir from the Environment Agency, controlling the river height around their house. Rodden manor is a totally beautiful property with two rivers that could easily overflow if not controlled in high level conditions.

A couple of years ago we designed, supplied and installed a radio and GSM level alarm system. A sensor in the river detects if the level gets too high, then radios this into the house which sets off an alarm. It then sends a GSM (mobile phone signal) via text message to both the man and Wife and a chap they use for maintenance if they are away.

The sensor had stopped working, caused so they thought by a tree hitting the tube it was mounted in. So I waded into the river which was up to my waist and unbolted the tube, then emptied it of debris which was affecting the sensor! Got to go back next week as the sensor has to be taken apart as it also has a few twigs in it and needs a special tool to take it apart.

I would so liked to have shown you a photo of me in waders with the river rushing around me!

Anyway, on the way the sun had not quite made it over the hill to light the cement works. But on my return it was fully lit. But like all or most of my landscapes I wanted this in mono and again with a bit of grittiness to it.

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